Hey,Hope this post will find you all in high spirits! Rains since Sunday had become a literal suffocating and frustrating factor. And as for me, it was a sheer bad experience.
Sunday - Most of us had plans for the Friendship's Day. I had none. Was in the bed till as late as 11 in the morning when i was woken up by my darling Heli, who had come to Ahmedabad (precisely at my flat) with a lovely blue, white and red flowers' bouquet to wish me. (Yeah, the satin ribbons and the friendship belts have already shifted to bouquets!) I was pleasantly surprised and after the usual hugs/kisses session, I rushed to the kitchen to cook up some Maggi. What was in store was a mentally hectic day. Heli had her SPIPA entrance test at the extreme end of the city called KK Nagar. Me and my other sweetheart Priya went to pick up Heli from her examination centre at 4, had 5 wafer packets waiting for her, and by the time she was done with her exams, it had started to pour down heavily. We were waiting for it to slow down as my poor vehicle had to bear with 3 idiots and a lot of water. (However Priya was excited about singing 'Jaane Nahi Denge Tujhe....' as we had to drive back in triples!) In the meantime, we had made boats out of Heli's question paper and enjoyed each moment of the wait. However the next journey of 20 minutes to my PG took us a whooping 1 and a half hours. At evening 6, we had our lunch, which was again Maggi and Coffee with some Jalebis! Heli and Priya tried to fit into my clothes and postponed going back to their destinations. Pheeewww.. Finally it ended with Honest Ki Paun Bhaji at 1 am.
The week days then were even worse as there was a lot of water logging everywhere, a lot of frustrations and depressions. Tuesday I was supposed to vacate my PG and shift to another pre-decided place. But due to rains again, I was stuck up after office and had to go to my uncle's place. So am left with a room worse than Government Guest Houses. (Am in search of one, please revert if you know about one) Next two days too, my vehicle did not support and stopped working! All my plans of shopping were in vain and till date all my jobs are pending.
But finally, am going HOME tomorrow and things will soon fall in place. This blog is dedicated to all those who helped me during these problems and also to those who dint (because of them, I am learning to be independent)
As for the peacocks, they keep shouting on the top of their voices and so it keeps on raining. And please people like my sis Kalgi, don't give me that shit ki 'When it does not rain, you keep asking for it and when it does, you complaint.' Yaar, this is the least we can do, cribbing about everything and its fun!
Loadsa love,